The college years can be extremely demanding and cause numerous pressures and a build up of stress. Undergoing student counseling allows you to work with someone to explore your history and issues to build personalized goals that will all you to make positive changes and learn how to deal with difficult situations and how to manage stress.
Student counseling can aid any of the following issues:
- Transition Period to College
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- Anger Management
- Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Eating and Body Image Disorders
- Grief
- Relationship Issues
- Spirituality
Many students face a lot of the same issues; however, most are not aware that they are not alone in their suffering. This is where communicating with a counselor can come in handy.
Common student worries include:
- "I feel sad most of the time, and I don't know why."
- "I'm in the middle of taking a test and my mind just goes blank."
- "I'm always worrying."
- "I want to hurt myself."
- "I'm having panic attacks."
- "I don't know how to talk to people."